Apprentice Toolkit

Find all the tools you need to understand apprenticeships and find the right one for you. Plus, get top tips on completing applications and attending interviews.


There are many different ways you can manage your pre-interview nerves; it’s just a case of finding what works best for you.


Remember that the person interviewing you wants you to be good. They want to fill the position with a fantastic candidate – that candidate is you.


Nerves start to become an issue when your mind wanders to negative scenarios. To keep this from happening, focus on your breathing when you are not speaking, and make sure you pause to take a breath before answering any questions. In addition to keeping you calm, pausing for a minute before answering also allows you to think and makes it more likely that you will give a good answer to the question.


Think of each question as its own moment. Don’t think of the whole interview at once, as it will seem too much or too big. Listen to each question carefully, take a breath before you speak, and answer the questions one at a time. And don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat a question if you need them to.

  1. SMILE

It’s no secret that smiling makes you feel more confident, even if you fake it. Before you know it, you won’t be faking that smile, and the interviewer will probably be smiling back because smiling is infectious, and people tend to mirror expressions and body language.


Many top sportspeople and performers listen to music before an event or performance to keep their nerves at bay. This could be something that keeps you calm or pumps you up. Podcasts and speeches by inspirational people can also be really uplifting. The idea is to fill your head with positivity, energy and excitement before your interview.


Nervousness and adrenaline are connected. A healthy level of nerves makes you perform better as you are more focused and readier to take on anything. By re-framing your nervous energy as excited energy, you can still feel pumped up, just in a way that helps you perform.


There’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself. It’s smart and scientifically proven to help motivate you. Tell yourself all the things you need to hear: you’re smart, you’re qualified for this role, and you’re going to do well. Say it out loud and say it with confidence.


You’re not jumping out of an aeroplane or battling a shark. You’re just facing one or two people to have a pleasant conversation about your career. Remember that they are also probably nervous about making a good impression.


The superhero stance is a physical pose in which the superhero stands with legs spread apart, arms on hips and elbows bent. The superhero stance projects power. It’s an example of what psychologists refer to as an open posture, where you take up space. Before your interview, find a quiet place, give this stance a try, and you’ll see your confidence rise! Hear about the full benefits of the superhero stance.



Apprenticeships can provide an exciting opportunity, but it isn’t always easy to know where to begin to find the right one for you. Here are some tips to follow to find the best apprenticeship for you:


The chances are that you will spend a large portion of your time working, so an excellent way to make it as enjoyable as possible is to do something you enjoy. Spend some time thinking about topics, subjects or activities that interest you.


When you have an idea of the job or area you want to work in, you can begin to look into companies that you might like to work for. It sounds too obvious but Google it! Use search terms of the industry and location, e.g. “building companies York”, and this will generate a list of companies in that area. Use the names on that list to visit the company’s websites, find the “jobs” or “vacancies” area of their website, and look for information on what apprenticeships they might offer.


Employers often use social media for advertising apprenticeships, so checking their social media channels can be really beneficial. LinkedIn is a professional social media network you can use to showcase your work experience and qualifications. There are many settings, one of which is that you can make your profile show that you are actively looking for an apprenticeship. There’s a jobs tab at the top of the page where you can search by apprenticeship and location. Remember to keep your profile strictly professional and ensure your experience and qualifications are clear.


Employers like to see someone using their initiative, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, contact them. Prepare your CV and a short cover letter explaining why you are interested in working for them, then go to the employer in person, making sure you look smart and tidy, and ask for your details to be passed on to the Manager or HR Department. If this isn’t possible, you can call and ask to speak to the manager, politely explain who you are, and ask if you could email them your details to them to be considered for opportunities in the future.


Apprenticeships are available all year round, so vacancies are constantly becoming available. Many small companies will advertise their apprenticeships as and when they need a new staff member, whereas many larger companies will open their apprenticeship applications once or twice a year. If you want to apply for a particular apprenticeship, email them to express your interest in applying. Ask to be notified when the applications open or to be added to their mailing list. You could also set a calendar reminder on your phone to ensure you don’t miss the application window.


A personal statement is a summary that outlines your skills, experience and qualities. Although your personal statement should be unique, there are certain standard elements that you should cover. Below are some tips on what to consider when writing your personal statement.


The employer will usually have a specification or summary for the role they are advertising, giving you a general idea of the information they’d like to see in your personal statement. Always read any guidelines or instructions before you begin, and when you have finished, check that you have met all the requirements in their specification. Also, look at the employer’s website to learn about the business so you can tailor the content of your statement so that it is relevant.


Writing a personal introduction becomes much easier when focusing on bringing out your best qualities. The introduction will set the tone of your personal statement, so it’s important to start strongly to capture the reader’s interest. An excellent place to begin could be to explain what has driven you to want to work in this particular career or area of employment.


Write about your relevant experience, talents and achievements. This should include the following:

    • Your experience: Include all of your previous work experience relevant to the role you are applying for.
    • Your achievements: Your personal statement should tell the employer what kind of accomplishments you’ve achieved in your professional life. As a rule, include all your academic achievements and relevant training certifications. Also, consider mentioning any other relevant awards you may have received, such as relevant industry awards.
    • Your talents and skills: Mention the skills you have developed throughout your education and in any past roles. Focus on specific skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.
    • Attributes you can bring to the company: Explain why you feel you would be an asset to the team. As well as mentioning your experience, discuss how you are keen to expand and develop your existing skills or work with a team that will help you further the employer’s goals.
    • Your future goals: Outline how you think the job you are applying for will help you achieve your academic or professional goals.

End with a strong conclusion summarising what you have already discussed and will leave a lasting impression on the reader. The conclusion should remind the employer of the most important points and make them want to choose you.


After completing your personal statement, take a break from it for about ten or twenty minutes, then come back and read it through. It’s crucial that you take the time to proofread and edit your statement.


Whether you are preparing for your first-ever interview or have several under your belt, interviews can still feel daunting. Interviewing has also changed a little since 2020, with many interviews now taking place virtually through Teams or Zoom, or even over the telephone, but the principles remain the same. An important factor to remember is that the employer wants to hire someone; all you need to do is demonstrate that you are that person.


How to Prepare
  • Choose an outfit: Even if the job isn’t corporate, dress to impress. It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wear a suit. Smart trousers, a skirt, a shirt, or even a tidy top and jacket are all good options. The best choice of footwear would be smart shoes or boots (trainers are too casual for an interview). Also, make sure you are well groomed, with tidy hair and facial hair.
  • Do your research: Most businesses have a website and social media accounts, so use these to your advantage and do your research. Look at the company’s mission statement and values to understand them more deeply.
  • Get your mindset ready: Most people go into an interview thinking, ‘I hope I get it’, but an interview is a two-way process. Go in wanting to find out what the position will offer you, as much as the other way around. It will increase your confidence and make you seem more interested in the role and the company.
  • Speak clearly: Remember you’re not talking to your friends or family, so you need to present the best version of yourself. Speak professionally and clearly, avoid using slang and definitely don’t swear. Employers want to believe they can trust you to act and deal with customers professionally.


The Interview Structure
  • Arrival: The interview starts when you arrive in the building, so show respect for everyone you meet and make sure you arrive early. For virtual interviews, ensure you can access the meeting software and log into the meeting link approximately five minutes before the start time.
  • Introductions: This is an opportunity to make a strong first impression with a good handshake, open body language and a friendly smile. Virtual interviews don’t allow for the same person-to-person rapport to be built before the interview begins, so remember to listen clearly, speak at the appropriate times and nod to show you are engaged and focused on the interview.
  • The interview questions: The main part of the interview will most likely be a specific set of questions about your experiences, skills and interest in the position that every candidate will be asked to answer. This is your opportunity to prove that you are the best candidate for the job (see our Top Tips for Answering Interview Questions resource).
  • The conclusion: It’s common for the interviewer to ask if you have any questions of your own, so it’s good to have at least one question prepared, such as asking for specific details about the job role. Avoid asking questions related to salary, benefits, and personal topics. Interviewers will usually tell you how long it will be before they contact you after the interview, but if they don’t, you should ask the question. This will show them that you are serious about wanting the position. Finally, before you leave, express your appreciation for their time and reiterate your interest in the role. Leave with another handshake, eye contact and a smile.


Potential Interview Questions

As part of your interview preparations, it’s good to work through some standard questions you may be asked to give yourself time to think through how you might respond in the best way. Potential questions might be:

  • What interested you about this job role?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your ambitions?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What is your greatest achievement?
  • How would you organise yourself to meet deadlines?
  • How would you handle a challenging customer?


Behavioural Interview Questions

Behavioural interview questions are questions about how you have behaved in the past. Specifically, they are about how you have handled certain work situations, for example:

  • Tell me about an occasion when you had to complete a task under a tight deadline.
  • Tell me about a time you dealt with a conflict at work and how you handled it.
  • Tell me about an occasion you have delivered excellent customer service.


The STAR interview response method is a great way of answering behavioural interview questions. Following the four simple steps of STAR should help you to give a comprehensive answer to any questions being asked:

  • Situation: Describe the context of a job or a challenge you faced. This situation could be from a previous job role, a volunteer position, or any other relevant event, but be specific. For example, maybe you were working on a group project or had a conflict with a co-worker.
  • Task: Describe your personal responsibility in the situation. Maybe you had to help your group complete a project within a tight deadline or resolve a conflict between co-workers.
  • Action: Describe how you completed the task. Make sure you explain what you did rather than what your team did; for example, instead of saying, “We did”, say, “I did”.
  • Result: Explain the outcomes as a result of the actions you took. Try to highlight what you accomplished or what you learned from the situation.